Born and brought up in New Delhi, India, Reeti Gadekar defines herself primarily as a reader. “I read compulsively and obsessively,” she says. So it made sense to study literature at the JNU. German literature? Sure. It was a lot of reading.

Working as a librarian, as a translator of technical manuals and as a teacher made a lot less sense.

But reading and writing aren’t sensible things. Flights of fantasy, fairies, elves and goblins, losing yourself in another world, discovering exotic countries and you know, it’s only the people in books, who are balding, growing fat and drinking too much – it’s all fiction. Nothing to do with reality...

Today Reeti lives to read in Berlin. She surfs the internet, reads Indian news online and umpteen books offline. In between she finds time to cook, garden and do yoga. Occasionally she writes.